Pronájem bytu 1+kk, Praha 10

Pronájem bytu 1+kk, Praha 10

We have been having a great experience with Quantum reality, who have assisted with renting out our flat over the last few years. My mother and I communicated and exchanged with Ing. Douchova who was always available and prompt in advertising our flat, searching for a new tenant as well as providing support with existing tenants throughout the tenancy, including drafting any necessary changes of the tenancy agreement. Most recently, Ing. Douchova stepped in for my mom to finalise the handover of our flat with a new tenant, which was very much appreciated. We found Ing. Douchova’s approach very professional and focused on ensuring we receive a high standard of service each time!

Simon G.

Ing. Iva Douchová
zkušenosti v realitách od roku 2007
Čeština Angličtina
+420 737 052 690
+420 273 134 681

Kde nás najdete

Quantum reality, spol. s r.o.
Šafaříkova 201/17
120 00 Praha 2 – Vinohrady
IČ: 290 32 792

Pracovní dny: 9.00 – 18.00 hod
+420 730 154 732 / +420 273 134 681