
Pronájem bytu 4+1, Praha 4

Pronájem bytu 4+1, Praha 4

Excellent attention and guidance from Mrs. Mayerová to find an apartment to rent. A very professional and polite treatment, excellent service when communicating in foreign languages (English). Company highly recommended for everything related to real estate.

Daniel D.

Klára Mayerová

zkušenosti v realitách od roku 2021

Čeština Angličtina

+420 603 143 628

Kde nás najdete

Quantum reality, spol. s r.o.
Šafaříkova 201/17
120 00 Praha 2 – Vinohrady
IČ: 290 32 792


Pracovní dny: 9.00 – 18.00 hod
+420 730 154 732 / +420 273 134 681